4-Round Swiss in Two Sections (Open and U1600).
Game/100 minutes; 5 second delay. USCF Rated. EF: $5.00. One ½
Point Bye Available for any round (except round four) if
requested at least 2-days prior to round. TD is Grochowski; ATD is Fogec.
(*NOTE: on March 27 we will meet at St. James Church (Parish Building), 7219 S. 27th Street (south of Rawson), Franklin, WI).
The Southwest Chess Club meets each Thursday night at the Hales Corners Village Hall/Police Station, at 5635 South New Berlin Rd, Hales Corners, WI, downstairs Community Room. Club opens at 6 PM, Tournament Games at 7 PM.
How to reach the Tournament Directors:
How to reach the Tournament Directors
Chris Wainscott | chris.wainscott13@outlook.com | 414-839-5232 |
Robin Grochowski | rgrochowski@wi.rr.com | 414-861-2745 |
Allen Becker | allenbecker@wi.rr.com | 414-807-0269 |
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
March 29 Waukesha Memorial (33rd Annual) & Rated Beginners Open (RBO)
A Wisconsin Tour Event! 4SS. G/60 d5. Dual rated. Country Springs Hotel, (262.547.0201
262.547.0201); Exit 291, I-94 and Hwy. G, Waukesha, WI 53187. $$Non-monetary, traveling trophy to First, books for class winners. Open to all. EF: $15 ($10 by 3/28). Reg.: 8:00-9:30. Rds.: 10:00; 1:00; 3:30; 6:00. No state memb. req'd. OSA. -- RBO: Open to players rated under 1200 or unrated. Prizes: Trophies to top 3, book prizes for class winners. Mail entries to: Waukesha CC, 1911 Stardust Dr., Waukesha, WI 53186. Phone Info: Jim Nickell (262) 544-6266
(262) 544-6266. Online info: jnickell@wi.rr.com. A Heritage Event!
SOME PHOTOS (taken by Allen Becker & Al Buschmann):

SOME PHOTOS (taken by Allen Becker & Al Buschmann):
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Frostbite Action Swiss February 27
This Thursday at the Southwest Chess Club we are holding a one day, three round tournament, the Frost Bite Action Swiss. There will be two sections available. One has a Game in 30 minutes, with a 5 second delay time control and impacts both your Regular and Quick Ratings. The other section has a Game in 24 minutes, with a 5 second delay time control and is only Quick Rated. Registration is available between 6:20 and 6:50 pm this Thursday, February 27. If you arrive later you might have to wait until the second round to be paired. One half point bye is available in Round 1. Entry fee is $5. All three rounds of this tournament will be completed this Thursday evening. Details below.
Tom Fogec
Tournament Director
Frost Bite Action Swiss: February 27
3-Round Swiss in Two Sections (G/30 Minutes and G/24
Minutes). USCF Rated. EF: $5.00. (½ Point Bye
available for only first round if requested prior to round)
TD is Tom Fogec; ATD is Robin Grochowski.
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