How to reach the Tournament Directors:

How to reach the Tournament Directors
Chris Wainscott 414-839-5232
Robin Grochowski 414-861-2745
Allen Becker 414-807-0269

Friday, April 19, 2019

Carlsberg Pawn Structure Swiss: April 25; May 2, 9, 16, & 23

5-Round Swiss in Two Sections (Open and U1600).  Game/100;d5.  USCF Rated.  EF:  $5.00.  (One ½ Point Bye Available for any round (except round five) if requested at least 2-days prior to round).

TD is Robin Grochowski; ATD is Chris Wainscott.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

May 4-5 Arpad Elo Open

5SS, Rd. 1 G/90 d5; Rds. 2-5 30/90, SD/60; d5, Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Rd., WI Dells, WI 53965. EF: $40 by 4/30; $45 at site. $$b/50: & 3/class. $400-250. A-$150, B-$140, C-$130, D-$120, U1200-$100, Unr- $80. Reg.: 5/4: 9-9:30. Rds.: 10-2-7:30; 10-3:30. ENT: Mike Nietman, 2 Boca Grande Way, Madison, WI 53719 608-467-8510 INFO: A WI Tour Event. HR: $129. Reserve by 4/3. 833-381-4595. Mention H01452. W.  US Chess Junior Grand Prix!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Knight’s Knock Down Miller Action Swiss - April 18 (one-night Action event)

3-Round Swiss in Two Sections (G/25;d5 and G/24;d5).  USCF Rated.  EF: $5.00.  (½ Point Bye available for only first round if requested prior to round). 

TD is Robin Grochowski; ATD is Chris Wainscott.

G/25;d5 is "dual-rated" (affects both your Regular and Quick ratings), while
G/24;d5 is not Regular-rated; only Quick-rated.