How to reach the Tournament Directors:

How to reach the Tournament Directors
Chris Wainscott 414-839-5232
Robin Grochowski 414-861-2745
Allen Becker 414-807-0269

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Winter Buzzard Blitz: March 3

Individuals will be placed in sections of 6 or less players (depending on
number of players) and play in a double round robin format. Time control is Game/5 minutes (no

delay). USCF Blitz-Rated. EF: $5.00.

TD is Tom Fogec; ATD is Robin Grochowski.

Pulsating Panda Quads: February 11*, 18 & 25

3-Round “Round-Robin” (a “Quad”).  Four chess players to a section based on rating.  Game/100;d5.  USCF Rated.  EF:  $5.00.  No byes are available, you must be able to be there for all three games.  TD is Tom Fogec; ATD is Robin Grochowski.   

*NOTE!  On February 11 we will meet at St. James Catholic Church (Parish Center Building), 7219 S. 27th Street (south of Rawson), Franklin, WI.   For Rounds 2 and 3 we will be back at the Hales Corners Village Hall.

Mar. 12 - Waukesha Memorial (35th Annual)

A Wisconsin Tour Event! 4SS. G/60 d5. Dual rated. USCF rated. Olympia Resort Hotel, 1350 Royale Mile Rd., Oconomowoc, WI (1-800-558-9573); Exit 282, I-94 and Hwy 67; N 1 mile to Regent Rd. $$Non-monetary, traveling trophy to First, books for class winners. Open to all. EF: $20 ($10 by 3/11). Reg.: 8:00-9:15; 1/2 point bye if registered after 9:15; groups of 4 or more must pre-register; pre-registrants check in by 9:30 to assure pairing. Rds.: 10:00; 1:00; 3:30; 6:00. No state memb. req'd. OSA. A Heritage Event!
ALSO: Rated Beginners Open (RBO), Prizes: Trophies to top 3, book prizes for class winners. EF: $20 ($10 by 3/11). Reg.: 8:00-9:15, 1/2 point bye if registered after 9:15; pre-registrants check in by 9:30 to assure pairing. Rds.: 10:00; 1:00; 3:30; 6:00.
Mail entries to: Waukesha CC,1911 Stardust Dr., Waukesha, WI 53186. Phone Info: Jim Nickell (262) 544-6266. Online info, email:

The Lion Roaring Swiss: March 10, 17, 24 & 31*

4-Round Swiss in Two Sections (Open and U1600).
Game/100;d5. USCF Rated. EF: $5.00. One ½-point bye
available for any round (except round four) if requested at least 2-
days prior to round. TD is Wainscott; ATDs are Grochowski/Fogec.
*NOTE! On March 31 we will meet at St. James Church (Parish Building),
7219 S. 27th Street (south of Rawson), Franklin, WI).

Monday, February 01, 2016

Icy Platypus Action Swiss February 4

3-Round Swiss in Two Sections: G/24 minutes with 5 second delay (USCF Quick rated) and G/25 minutes with 5 second delay (USCF Regular and Quick rated).  Registration from 6:20 to 6:50 pm.  Games will start promptly at 7 pm.
EF: $5. (1/2- Point Bye available in first round if requested prior to round.)
Chief TD is Chris Wainscott, Assistant TD's are Tom Fogec and Robin Grochowski.