PHOTOS from the event are below the post:
5SS, Rds. 1-3 G/120 d5. Rds. 4-5 40/120, SD/60 d5. Madison Marriott West, 1313 John Q. Hammons Dr., Middleton, WI 53562. HR: $110 + $4 Parking. Rate gtd until 11/6. 888-745-2032. EF: $30 (Juniors $25) by Dec. 4. $10 more later or on site. $$b/50 and 4 per class: $160-110. A - $90, B - $80, C - $70, D - $60, E - $50, U1000 - $40, Unr - $40. Upset $50. Reg.: 9-9:30 AM 12/8. Rds.: 10-2:30-7:30; 10-3:30. ENT: Mike Nietman, 2 Boca Grande Way, Madison, WI 53719, 608-467-8510. INFO: mike.nietman@ WI Chess Tour Event. W. Online registration at US Chess Junior Grand Prix!